
Sample of Authors

Författarporträtt av Leroux, Gaston

Leroux, Gaston
1868 - 1927

Gaston Leroux was born in Paris but grew up in a little village in Normandy close to the home of his maternal grandparents....

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Mann, Thomas

Mann, Thomas
1875 - 1955

The German novelist and short story writer Thomas Mann was born in Lübeck. His father, who was a senator and wealthy ...

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Rodoreda, Mercè

Rodoreda, Mercè
1909 - 1983

Mercè Rodoreda was born in Barcelona. Catalan was her native language. There are only scant biographical details available ...

Further reading
Portrait image of Mohsin Hamid

Hamid, Mohsin
1971 -

Mohsin Hamid was born in Pakistan. His father was a first generation Pakistani born in 1947, the year of partition. Mohsin...

Further reading