
Sample of Authors

Författarporträtt av Brontë, Charlotte

Brontë, Charlotte
1816 - 1855

Charlotte is the only Brontë sister who was acknowledged as an author by her contemporaries. She grew up together with her ...

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Milton, John

Milton, John
1608 - 1674

The English poet John Milton was born in London as the son of a wealthy Catholic burgher. He attended Christ's College,...

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Kipling, Rudyard

Kipling, Rudyard
1865 - 1936

British author born as Joseph Rudyard Kipling in Bombay where his father was the Principal as well as the Professor of...

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Jiménez, Juan Ramón

Jiménez, Juan Ramón
1881 - 1958

Juan Ramón Jiménez Mantecón was a Spanish poet born in Moguer, Huelva, Southwest Spain. Jiménez studied fine art and law in S...

Further reading