
Welcome to the new Alex!

As you have probably noticed, our author encyclopedia has been given a new look. Among other things, we have worked on the main menu and our landing pages, so that users can navigate more easily. However, you don't have to worry, most things are the same and can be accessed from the same place as before.

/ The editors

Portrait image of Tony Samuelsson Photo: Ola Erikson / Forflex

The August Prize 2024 for best swedish fiction to

Samuelsson, Tony

Theme article

Fakta och fiktion i samtidslitteraturen

By: Christian Lenemark

”Under det begynnande 2000-talet har bokmarknaden fullkomligt invaderats av författare som i sina böcker på ett eller annat sätt gjort anspråk på att beskriva verkligheten. Den rena fiktionsberättelsen har i mångt och mycket fått se sig marginaliserad och förbisprungen av olika slags genrehybrider … ”

Further reading

New & Reworked

December 2024

By: The editors

New and revised articles of the month.