Portrait image of Carin Gerhardsen Photo: Ola Erikson / Forflex (2015)

Gerhardsen, Carin

December 6, 1962
Miscellaneous prose, Crime literature, Children's literature
Carin Behrman, as she was called in those days, was born and grew up in Katrineholm. Her father was a judge at the Katrineholm district court, and the main secretary in the government commission on the freedom of expression which resulted in the Freedom of the Press Act and the constitutional law on freedom of expression. Her mother was a gymnasie school teacher of Swedish and English – so there was an interest in law, languages and writing early on. There was a lot of time spent on formulating Christmas-present rhymes as well as on speeches, student pantomimes and songs at birthdays and during her student days in Uppsala. As an 11-year-old, Carin visited a large police exhibition in her home town. There, she won a competition which was about solving a murder mystery. This resulted in headlines in the local newspaper and rewarded her with a visit to the police central command in Stockholm.

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