
Sample of Authors

Författarporträtt av Auster, Paul

Auster, Paul
1947 - 2024

American author from a Jewish family, born in Newark, New Jersey. His parents, Queenie and Samuel Auster, came from Poland....

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Författarporträtt av Kelly, Jim

Kelly, Jim
1957 -

English author and journalist, born in Barnet, Hertfordshire, approximately 20 km north of London. His father, Brian B....

Further reading
Portrait image of Ruth Lillegraven

Lillegraven, Ruth
1978 -

Norwegian poet, novelist and author of books for children, Ruth Lillegraven was born in Granvin in Hardanger, and grew up...

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Mann, Thomas

Mann, Thomas
1875 - 1955

The German novelist and short story writer Thomas Mann was born in Lübeck. His father, who was a senator and wealthy ...

Further reading