Portrait image of Matti Yrjänä Joensuu Photo: Sutton Hibbert (2006) / REX / TT

Joensuu, Matti Yrjänä

October 31, 1948
December 4, 2011
Crime literature
Matti Yrjänä Joensuu was a Finnish crime writer and criminal investigator. He was born and lived most of his life in Helsinki. After leaving upper-secondary school in 1969 he trained at the police academy, graduating in 1973. He then worked within the police force until his retirement in 2006. He then moved to Valkeakoski, 150 kilometres north of Helsinki, where he lived until his death. One of Joensuu’s three daughters is the journalist and television presenter Anu Harrki, also known as Anu Pensola. Joensuu was divorced from his former wife, Aviva Währn.

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