Portrait image of Andreas Norman More pictures Photo: Ola Erikson / Forflex (2022) Photo: Andreas Bardell / Aftonbladet / TT (2021)

Norman, Andreas

October 23, 1972
Crime literature, Poetry
Author Andreas Norman’s mother is the social anthropologist Karin Norman, and his father the psychoanalyst Johan Norman. At first, Andreas wanted to become an actor. He studied at Calle Flygare’s theatre school during his school years, but eventually decided that what he wanted to be was a poet. In 1996, he got a collection of poetry entitled I dagarnas lutning published. His dream of becoming a writer, however, ceased when he suffered a writer’s block, and then he started at university instead. In Berlin, he studied Politics and that was when his interest in international relations was aroused. He has a university degree in Economics, the History of Ideas, Politics and German. He subsequently applied for a place on the Foreign Ministry’s course for future diplomats, possibly inspired by his grandfather, diplomat Kjell Öberg.

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