
Sample of Authors

Författarporträtt av Alsterdal, Tove

Alsterdal, Tove
1960 -

Swedish author, dramatist and journalist Tove Alsterdal has her roots in Norrbotten and Värmland. Her mother, sociologist ...

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Izner, Claude

Izner, Claude

Liliane Korb and Laurence Lefèvre, are the two sisters behind the pseudonym Claude Izner. Their father was a bookseller, a ...

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Boucher, Anthony

Boucher, Anthony
1911 - 1968

Anthony Boucher was a pseudonym used by William Anthony "Tony" Parker White, an American editor, critic and prominent...

Further reading
Portrait of Wislawa Szymborska

Szymborska, Wislawa
1923 - 2012

The poet, essayist and translator Maria Wislawa Anna Szymborska was born in Prowent, near Bnin, now part of Kórnik, Poland. ...

Further reading