
Sample of Authors

Författarporträtt av Voltaire

1694 - 1778

French author, the son of a notary, born as François-Marie Arouet in Paris. When Voltaire was ten years old, he was ...

Further reading
Portrait image of Herman Melville

Melville, Herman
1819 - 1891

American author born in New York. Melville came from a wealthy family, but when his merchant father went bankrupt, he was...

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Lee, Harper

Lee, Harper
1926 - 2016

Nelle Harper Lee was an American author who grew up in the town of Monroeville, Alabama, as the youngest of four siblings....

Further reading
Portrait image of Brian Freemantle

Freemantle, Brian
1936 -

Brian Harry Freemantle is a British writer and journalist. He was born in Southampton, Hampshire, where he attended...

Further reading