
Söderberg, Hjalmar

Sweden, Denmark
July 2, 1869
October 14, 1941
Miscellaneous prose, Drama, Poetry
The Swedish author Hjalmar Söderberg was born in Stockholm. His father was a clerk at Kammarkollegium (a government office) and his mother had been a music teacher. Söderberg worked for a short time at the Board of Customs in Sweden before studying at Uppsala University for a semester. After that, he supported himself as a journalist writing reviews, short stories, and articles for Dagens Nyheter, Nyaste Kristianstadsbladet, and Svenska Dagbladet. He also wrote lighter articles under the signature Tuppy for the latter newspaper. He also translated books, among others, the French author Anatole France. Towards the end of his life, he wrote anti-Nazi articles for Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfarts-Tidning.

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