
Sample of Authors

Författarporträtt av Horace

65 BCE - November 27, 08 BCE.

The Roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus is not only the most quoted and the most frequently translated poet of the...

Further reading
Portrait image of Dennis Lehane

Lehane, Dennis
1966 -

The American crime writer Dennis Lehane grew up in an Irish family as the youngest of five children in Dorchester on the...

Further reading
Författarporträtt av Lindgren, Torgny

Lindgren, Torgny
1938 - 2017

The Swedish author Torgny Lindgren was born Gustav Torgny Lindgren at Raggsjö, Västerbotten County. In the 1970s, he moved t...

Further reading
Portrait of John Katzenbach

Katzenbach, John
1950 -

American author and journalist, son of the famous and politically very active lawyer Nicholas Katzenbach, later the US...

Further reading